On December 12, impactHR welcomed Hyatt & Weber employment attorney Stephen Stern to their offices in Columbia, MD to present, "Harnessing the Perils and Promise of Social Media for Business Growth."
Most of us are using social media in our lives today - whether at home or in the workplace. In fact, the percentage of the U.S. population with a social media profile has soared to 81% in 2017 - up from 24% in 2008, according to Statista. Stephen frequently presents and writes on the topic of how executives and employers can use the power of social media to aid - and not hinder nor imperil - their strategic business growth goals.
Without a doubt, there are benefits to employer and employee use of social media. Used smartly and strategically, social media can improve a company's brand position and help launch new products and services. On the flip side, its use can present dangers to employers such as harassment, negative PR, data loss, fraud and release of sensitive company information.
For more information on having Stephen present to your group or executive team, email Stephen at sstern@hwlaw.oo or contact us .